The Associated Press recently ran a very good story about the increasing number of close encounters between commercial aircraft and drones.
The proliferation of small UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) is an emerging threat. I’m usually the farthest thing from a doomsayer, but this is something we all should be worried about. Left unchecked, it’s an accident waiting to happen. The FAA needs to act quickly to better enforce restrictions. Rules already exist, but many drone operators either don’t know about them, or flout them. “The agency’s near-total ban,” says the AP story, “has been ignored by operators ranging from real estate agents to farmers who use them to monitor crops.” The FAA can’t be patrolling our parks and streets, of course, so it’s going to need help from local law enforcement.
One problem, maybe, is that hobbyists and other drone operators don’t see their drones as dangerous. However, it’s absolutely true that a collision between a drone — even a relatively small drone — and a commercial jetliner could be catastrophic. This is particularly so if the collision were to damage the plane’s control surfaces, stabilizers, tail or cockpit. A jetliner traveling at 250 miles per hour (in the U.S., that’s the maximum speed when flying below 10,000 feet) hitting a 25-pound UAV would create a huge amount of force — around 40,000 pounds of it. The bigger the drone, the greater the potential damage from the impact forces, shrapnel, etc. Most hobby drones are a lot lighter than 25 pounds and don’t fly very high, posing little danger. But bigger, heavier machines are out there, and we’ll be seeing more of them: Paramilitary border patrol drones; police departments surveillance drones; Bezos and his fleet dropping iPhones and toaster ovens from the sky. It’s these larger drones that are of greatest concern. If an operator should lose control of one of these things, or it otherwise wanders into airspace it shouldn’t be in, the results could be deadly.
Drones are normally invisible to air traffic control and onboard radar.
One part of the AP story that needs clarifying, though, is the part where it says, “The reports underscore the difficulty the FAA faces trying to control drones, which could cause a crash if one collided with a plane or was sucked into an engine.” Actually, a small drone impacting an engine would be very unlikely to cause a crash. It would almost certainly result in a failure of that engine, and possibly its destruction and subsequent airframe damage, but as most people realize commercial planes can fly just fine on one engine. As a pilot I’d much rather deal with engine damage than, say, damage to the tail or a horizontal stabilizer. That said, a large-enough drone hitting an engine could introduce serious complications, such as the engine breaking from the pylon and hitting the tail structure, or pieces penetrating the cabin, etc.
Neither would a drone be “sucked in,” as the reporter puts it. That’s not how it works. Jet engines don’t suck in objects from out of the sky. Whether a drone impacts an engine, a wing, or any other part of the plane, it’s really just a function of speed, direction, vector.
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